
Showing posts from May, 2013

Bishop Lieschke visits Bethlehem

Bishop Mark Lieschke and his wife Meredith chat with retired pastor Clem Zanker (right) following 9:00 worship at Bethlehem, Athol St. He was in Wagga to meet with Bethlehem's newly formed call committee to discuss names of potential pastors, and the process congregations must go through in order to get a new pastor.

Warm hearts for a cold morning in Wagga.

'The Biggest Morning Tea' following Pentecost worship raised $380.85 for the Cancer Council.

Confirmation at Bethlehem Wagga

Zach, Carina, Sarah, Megan and Taylah are confirmed at Bethelhem Lutheran 12 May 2013. Pastor Rob the interim Pastor, is officiating and Michael Lieschke, an elder, is assisting. A new class for confirmation is being formed with about 18 young people enrolled. Bethlehem has started the call process as Pastor Rob will depart June 30.

A Hunger For Healing

From Pastor Rob: For several years now I've conducted the study series titled "A Hunger For Healing". Amazingly over the years these interviews of people working the 12 Steps remain 100% contemporary. My old VHS tapes had fallen apart so this year I was able to obtain the videos on DVD from the author's widow. Andrea Miles Miller included this note: " I'm so glad you are interested in this great work, A Hunger for Healing.  It is a very good way for Christians to experience spiritual growth and community.  I wish you well with the project." The announcement in the bulletin is:  Pastor Rob will be leading a study/service at the School titled "A Hunger for Healing". The study and video series looks at a model for Christian Spiritual Growth based on the 12 Steps used in many recovery groups". June 2nd , 9th, 16th, and 23rd   at 10:45am . The topics will be: The Underground Railroad to New Life; The Birth of Hope; A Step Toward Real ...