Longest Lutheran Lunch
Over seventy people got together at the Lutheran School on Sunday to celebrate the Reformation. Pastor John Simboras and the current Confirmation Class joined forces to conduct the service for us. The kids have spent the last few weeks putting together a banner based on Psalm 84:1-7 and they revealed their efforts to us during the service. Some of the proud Confirmation Class with their Psalm 84 banner. After the service, everyone found places at the long tables set up outside for the Longest Lutheran Lunch . Instead of one very long table, as you would expect at a "Longest" lunch, we had to make do with two slightly shorter tables. But the same effect was achieved and everyone enjoyed the food anyway! After lunch, the kids found various ways to show off their dexterity... Two of our guests of honour on the day were Brad and Jill Dutschke. They got together with Ken and Audrey Albinger to compare notes on being Principal a...