Thanks for your Welcome
Thanks to everyone at Bethlehem for your warm welcome - we feel that we are settling in well to our new community and very much enjoyed the Installation Service and lunch that followed. Thanks Jill K for your newsy report and pictures (although I am not sure the alb is very flattering!) This last Sunday I was pleased to lead the service at Bethlehem for the first time and reflect on how all encompassing the grace of God is. We focussed on Romans 5 - "God shows how much he loves us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." We also saw how real this word is by looking at how Jesus met an outcast woman at the well and engaged deeply and graciously with her despite how others saw her. Check it out in John 4. Each of us can say with certainty God is gracious to all - even me. God bless your week! Pastor Mike