Last Saturday we held a Quiz Night in support of the Lutheran School Project in Cambodia. Here is an update from LCA Mission Director Neville Otto on the latest status of the project. I am pleased to advise that the land has been purchased thanks to the generosity if God's people in the LCA and in the Lutheran churches in Cambodia and Singapore. We are waiting for some of the final costs but essentially we expect only a small shortfall now and so there is unlikely going to be a need for a loan. The money raised at the quiz night is a really important contribution towards this. If we happen to raise more funds than the land cost these will be quarantined for the sole use of developing the pre-school and bible training facilities On 4 September there was a meeting in Adelaide involving Cambodian Church leaders with a small team representing the major partners being the LCA and the Lutheran Church in Singapore. The people at the meeting included LEA Director Steve R...