Strike #3

Last Sunday afternoon, a group of Lutherans came together for a little game or two of ten pin bowling. Lyn started us off with the first strike of the day. And very quickly, there were rumours flying across the lanes that Richard had been secretly practicing in the weeks leading up to the big game. Some of the day's competitors (note Graeme explaining the finer points of the game to our beginner player) We discovered that George had never played before, but by the end of the afternoon he had perfected his game. It took Michael many tries to find the perfect ball, his game suffering a little for it and George managed to best him (but we're blaming that on beginner's luck). George, demonstrating his newly-acquired sideways bowling technique Michelle tried to pick up some tips and tricks from everyone in holding the ball then proceeded to gutter it twice in succession. Happily, she seemed to finally figure it all out in round eight of the last game. We...