
Showing posts from February, 2016

Harvest Thanksgiving

Our Wagga congregation brought in some interesting items for the Thanksgiving service on Sunday. There were the usual items such as a huge fleece, a large armful of wheat and many examples of food. But then there was a tennis racquet, a Principal's Award, tupperware, power tools and a whole clothes horse with a plethora of coloured booties. In pride of place was the pet bird which was happy to join in the service with the odd chirp every now and then. There are so many things for us to thank God for!

Staff Installation Service 2016

It's that time of year again! School's back and so all the staff at Lutheran School Wagga Wagga were at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Sunday to be installed and blessed. It was also an opportunity to be introduced to three new members of staff: Tara, Callum and Michael. We were also blessed to have Bishop Mark Lieschke back in Wagga for the day to lead Sunday's service.