Visitors from Nördlingen

Bethlehem Lutheran Church members were very fortunate on Sunday to play host to the St Georg Chamber Choir from Nördlingen, Germany. The choir was on a whirlwind tour of Australia, singing in Adelaide, Melbourne, Geelong, Wagga Wagga and Sydney. Nördlingen is in Bavaria, Germany. It is a very old town, now over 1100 years old, with an intact medieval wall surrounding the older part of the town and the St Georg Evangelical Lutheran Church at its centre. St Georg's itself also has a long history - construction was begun after 1427, which means it pre-dates Martin Luther! Nördlingen has been a sister city of Wagga Wagga since 1967 and so, to mark this now fifty year old relationship, the St Georg Chamber Choir travelled to Wagga Wagga and took part in two joint concerts with the Ca ntilena Singe rs over the weekend. The Kammerchor Sankt Georg Nördlingen (St Georg Chamber Choir of Nördlingen) has a repertoire of mostly spiritual chorus music from across five centuries. The cho...