Asset Mapping at Bethlehem
Last Sunday, April 7th, we had 42 members of Bethlehem Lutheran spend 90 minutes in an exercise of Asset Mapping, which is taking stock of Christ's provisions and beginning again to intentionally look to the future,. Remembering that we are parts of the body of Christ, all members are valued -- and have something to share.
I'm writing this from my prospective as an Intentional Interim Pastor whose call revolves around preparing the congregation for a successful pastorate of the next pastor who will be called.
This Saturday we will be gathering at our Lutheran Primary School in Wagga Wagga for a morning of Strategic Planning.
Pastor Rob, Interim
I'm writing this from my prospective as an Intentional Interim Pastor whose call revolves around preparing the congregation for a successful pastorate of the next pastor who will be called.
This Saturday we will be gathering at our Lutheran Primary School in Wagga Wagga for a morning of Strategic Planning.
Pastor Rob, Interim