Bethlehem News April 2013

Bethlehem Lutheran Church News
 11-14 Athol St., Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Bethlehem “At the School”, Tamar Drive
Phone: 02 6925 1294 News Blog:

From the Chairman

Dear members of Bethlehem,

I can report to you, that following the AGM held on the 3rd of March the new Church Council met for the first time. The following people are the members of the new Church Council:

Rhonda Lieschke,   Reg Miegel
Margaret Kleidon,   Michelle Astrup
Michael Lieschke,   Graeme Wenzke
Bob Pfitzner,   Malcolm Kohlhagen

The following people are also assisting us in an ex-officio capacity:
  • Pastor Robert Erickson
  • Pastor Albert Gast
  • Dr. Ken Albinger
As Pastor Robert’s time will come to an end on the 30th of June we are making preparations to call a new Pastor. To help us prepare to call, Pastor Robert will lead an asset mapping session after service on the 7thApril and a strategic planning workshop on Saturday 13thApril at the School. All members are encouraged to participate to help us set a new direction and place the past difficulties in an appropriate perspective.

Our relationship with Milbrulong is being investigated. We need to determine how best they can be served, by the available manpower.

A call committee is now in place and consists of:

Margaret Kleidon,   Helen Chamberlain
Rhonda Lieschke,   Malcolm Kohlhagen
Pam Stoll
The Church Council is reviewing our income and expenditure to enable us to formulate a realistic budget for 2013. This budget will need to take account of our changed circumstances. Pastor Albert has accepted a call to Cornerstone College. We pray that God’s blessings will be on him and his family as they make the transition.
The Church Council has appointed Ken Albinger as alternate delegate to General Synod
(Ken was already going to be in attendance), because Helen Chamberlain may be unavailable.
The Care and Share group have been given permission to restart their weekly meetings in our Church hall.
Arrangements for the Lutheran Primary School to maintain the account books for the Congregation have been confirmed.

The congregation needs some additional people to assist with the counting of the weekly offering. If you can help, please contact Malcolm Kohlhagen.

The new Church Council is enthusiastic about their role and any feedback to the chairman would be welcomed.

Malcolm Kohlhagen, Chairman

From Pastor Rob

Asset Mapping is a time when the congregation takes stock of their assets. What are the physical, individual, associational, Institutional, economic, and of course, spiritual assets we have at Bethlehem?

Asset Mapping is also a way to break out of negative cycles that threaten or consume our congregation. That cycle focuses on our needs and deficiencies. Asset Mapping on the other hand brings together congregational strengths to create energy for new areas of ministry, and a new way of looking at our situation. It takes from the past what we need to carry into the future and comes to terms with that which has ended.

An asset is a gift, skill, talent, strength, ability, wisdom, passion or experience known to exist in your congregation.
  • We look to see God's abundance instead of scarcity
  • We find individual talents and skills
  • We find associations of people
  • We find physical and economic assets
  • We find uncovered hidden treasure in the assets we had previously overlooked or under-appreciated
"I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance" (John 10:10b)

Asset Mapping will be held on Sunday, 7 April, following the 9am worship service and morning tea in the hall. There will not be Sunday School on this Sunday. Also, a congregational Strategic Planning session will take place April 13, 9:30am - 12:30pm at Bethlehem congregation, Athol St. All members are encouraged to attend both events.

A special equipping Bible Study will be held at the 10:30am service at Bethlehem at the School, on Sunday, 14 and 28 April. It is called “Finding your SHAPE for ministry”and it is aimed at discipleship building. S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym that helps explain the five elements that determine what a person’s ministry should be. 
Every believer is uniquely shaped for a particular ministry. 
  • Spiritual gifts,
  • Heart (passions),
  • Abilities (talents),
  • Personality, and
  • Experiences.
Transport is available for those who wish to attend following the Bethlehem, Athol Street service. Contact me (Pastor Rob) if you need a ride.
Pastor Robert Erickson
Interim Pastor

A meeting for parents will be held after the worship service at Athol Street on Sunday, April 28. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss suitable times and what is being planned.

If you have a family member who wishes to join this class, please contact either:

Debbie Habel (phone church office)
Leonie Kohlhagen 

Please pass this information on to anyone else you may know who might be interested in being confirmed.

Debbie and Leonie

DATE CLAIMER: For those completing instruction this year, the Confirmation Service will be held at Bethlehem, Athol Street, on Sunday, 12th of May, 2013.