Confirmation Sunday

Congratulations to our confirmees!
It was wonderful to share in this special day as you made your promises to walk with Jesus.
He also reaffirmed his baptismal promises to you and will strengthen you each day.

May the feet of God walk with you, and his hand hold you tight.
May the eye of God rest on you, and his ear hear your cry.
May the smile of God be for you, and his breath give you life.
May the child of God grow in you, and his love bring you home.

Pictured (from left) Riley Wilson, Paul Pfitzner, Joel Muller, Sam McGowan, Jack McGowan, Ellie McGowan, Noah MacDonald, Lydia Lieschke, Georgia Kohlhagen, Thea Knobel, Breanna Heffernan, Zachary Zanker-Curtis, Michael Connison, Alex Burgmann, Nick Astrup, Alex Astrup.
