Pastor test drives possible new pulpit model!
Pastor Mike sees whether the scissor lift will serve as an alternative pulpit but discovers it to be a little rocky for fiery preaching.
The Renovation Work Continues...
Working Bees were held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday this week to continue the renovation work happening at Bethlehem. The ceiling has been fixed with the scissor-lift proving a perfect piece of equipment for this work. After a few lessons the crew were in and out amongst the pews with great skill.
In addition to this ceiling repair a start has been made on preparing for recarpeting with the stairs to the loft having the carpet removed and a clean up of the loft area being undertaken. Cabling to the data projector has been replaced and upgraded, cabling for the sound system run from front to back and all flouros in the ceiling lights replaced.
There was a need to move a number of pews out of the way of the scissor-lift and we discovered many pieces of old chewing gum!! These have been sent for DNA testing so we can return the gum to their rightful owners (only joking).
This work will continue in coming weeks with work on the carpet, blinds etc to occur.
Well done to all the crew for your efforts, especially our site foreman Graeme Wenzke who has been getting things organised and keeping it all on track.
The Monday morning crew |
Thanks to Narelle and Pam for providing morning tea! |
How do you drive this thing?!! |
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