Welcome Pastor Mike and Narelle!

This week we had a very special service, with the installation and welcome of Pastor Mike and Narelle Fulwood to our Parish.  Pastor David Grulke, Assistant Bishop of the NSW District, conducted the service.

Malcolm presented Pastor Mike to be installed as Pastor to Bethlehem Parish then...

Pastor David Grulke performed the installation of Pastor Mike.

Pastor Gary and Pastor Clem welcomed Pastor Mike and Narelle to Wagga... 

and Jenny Smith gave a warm welcome on behalf of Bethlehem Milbrulong.

After the service, the congregation adjourned to the hall, where a magnificent lunch was provided.  Pastor David was invited to tell us about his work as a Chaplin in the Army and Pastor Mike also got up and told us a little bit about himself and Narelle.

Pastor Mike and Narelle will only be with us for about a year, so please keep them in your prayers as they do God's work among us.

Pastor Mike and Narelle
