Fellowship Morning Tea - 14th August

A wonderful fellowship morning tea was held at Bethlehem on Thursday 14th. All ages were present as seen in this photo of Linda Klimpsch and Stephanie Kleidon the oldest and youngest attendees.

Guest speakers Narelle and Wayne shared with the gathered crowd on their areas of expertise.

Wayne from the CSU Regional Archives shared stories of Wagga's history including information on the early entertainment venue "Dixieland". He also had insights into several colourful Wagga identities including Messrs Thompson and Willan. Among the stories were several which included reports of attempts to horsewhip the local newspaper editor!

Narelle shared her passion for pottery and led the group in a devotion based on the biblical picture of God the potter and how he works in our lives. The theme verse was from Isaiah and reads "But now O Lord, you are our Father - we are the clay and you are our potter. And all of us are the work of your hands."
The devotion included making a pot on her wheel and demonstrating the different techniques used in creating a piece - techniques that God (the master potter) also uses in our lives.

 An excellent morning included a sumptuous morning tea, trading table, lucky dip and plenty of enjoyable conversation.

Helen, Debbie and Margaret
enjoy the morning.
